Votre havre de paix
au coeur des Pyrénées

Your activities in Pyrénées mountains France

camping qualité pyrénees
randonnee pyrennees

With us, you are welcome and we let you know!

You are all important vacationers and we will personalize our welcome according to your expectations, take advantage of our personalized advice.

If you like to commune with nature, you can enjoy mountain activities, admire landscapes, share friendly moments with friends, family or with the rest of the world: our campsite is for you.

Mountain Activities in the Pyrenees

Nestled in the heart of the mountains in a typically Pyrenean village of about 60 souls, the campsite is peaceful and relaxing between 2 moments of outdoor activities: walks, discovery, visits, terroir, mountain sports, cycling, mountain biking, Climbing, water activities, swimming … The list is long!

Exclusive entertainment for children

Your children can also enjoy  the activities of our instructor during the day for free.

During the season from Monday to Friday, an animator will offer children activities, sports initiations, pilates, muscular reinforcement, Nordic walking, an ATV maneuverability course, archery, multi-sport activities, …. for free on booking.

Child activities “forbidden to parents”!

Sometimes in season, following the activities, we propose ” meals forbidden to parents”, a moment of laughter and fun-laughs just between “young people”!

Activities for the family and family outings in the mountains

For the whole family, there are some mornings in season of collective sessions of gym, pilates, ….

Mountain walks can also be enjoyed, hiking or Nordic walking for any level. These very popular excursions make it possible to combine the discovery of the beauty of the Pyrenean landscapes and the physical activity adapted to the level of everyone, even in family.

Friendly evenings parties during the summer at the campsite

No entertainment in the evening, it is a choice to privilege the rest time.

However, once a week every summer, we organize meals  (for those who wish), during which the moments of sharing around a specialty of the terroir always remain a friendly and pleasant souvenir.

You will also have the chance to cross in season our regional wine producer, or our producer of duck at the time of tastings during which they share their passion.

As for us, it is simple: we like to share our simplicity, the love of our profession, and the extreme beauty of the landscapes of our valley.